In The Beginning...
My name is Seth and you will eventually hear more from my buddy Kyle. I'm not sure how smart we are. We seem to be on a mission to prove we aren't perfect. We do have 20 years of teaching experience behind us, at least 5 degrees, and lots of opinions. We also shared a classroom and an office for a few years where we watched a lot of Louis CK, a countless number of TED talks, and relentlessly made fun of each of our degrees. We also discovered that there are a lot of super sharp people out there who are very good at this craft and so the journey begins for us to introduce you to some of them.
We will be using this blog and our podcast to examine ideas, share stories, and collaborate with all of you to make us better educators, more joy-filled teachers, and hopefully a more inspired community. We know it takes a village. What we didn't expect was for the village idiots to get together, procreate, and then 20 of their offspring find their way into your classroom. But it happened and you can do this. It's not you, it's them... and a little bit of you. So at the end of the day come find us and let us remind you to laugh, to think, to forgive and to go back and bring hell with you.
You will find the full podcast here in September. Feel obligated to share this with everyone you can find. Teachers may get more of the insights but I am sure everyone wants to hear us.
We will be using this blog and our podcast to examine ideas, share stories, and collaborate with all of you to make us better educators, more joy-filled teachers, and hopefully a more inspired community. We know it takes a village. What we didn't expect was for the village idiots to get together, procreate, and then 20 of their offspring find their way into your classroom. But it happened and you can do this. It's not you, it's them... and a little bit of you. So at the end of the day come find us and let us remind you to laugh, to think, to forgive and to go back and bring hell with you.
You will find the full podcast here in September. Feel obligated to share this with everyone you can find. Teachers may get more of the insights but I am sure everyone wants to hear us.
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