How would Jim Carrey have faired in your class?

Jim Carrey is iconic, legendary in fact, perhaps to all, but at least to a teenage boy that loved to be silly.  The creation of The Mask and Ace Ventura was a 13 year old's demigod.  Placing a mask on my face and spinning into the ultra-suave yet green faced hero was the potential I saw with every classroom I walked into.  You can imagine the joy I was to every under paid under appreciated educator I ran across.  I did write back many of them in my late twenties when it dawned on me what a waste of their time I was.

Mr. Carrey's range in acting continues to deepen.  Early on from Liar Liar where he played a more low key comedic role (compared to the over the top Ventura character) to the satirical role of Truman Burbank in The Truman Show.  Then moving into biographical pieces and even tensely suspenseful roles like that in Number 23.

I have this awful habit of thinking I know a celebrity based on characters and 30 second interview I have watched of them.  I decide whether or not we would be great friends or if I would find them obnoxious or vice-a-versa.  Since going into teaching, I have pictured what they would have been like in class.  I think about how I would treat them if their characters came out while I was profoundly articulating the role of archetypes in To Kill a Mockingbird.  I wonder if I help them discover their talents and gifts or if I squelch what little confidence they mustard up to try something silly or goofy.  If we have spoken at any length, you would likely think that I handle silly just fine.  Most of the time I do.  But occasionally, just occasionally, a child will "moo" or challenge me to a round of verbal fisticuffs and I accept the challenge.  I prove to them I am smarter, more clever, and just a little carry just enough more confidence that I will break them.  I'm not horribly proud of that.  Well, I am at the moment.  Like Ace Ventura putting together that "Louis Einhorn is a man", that's right folks I'll be here all week.  Can You feel that, baby?!?!

Now I read that Jim Carrey has suffered with depression and cherished his time alone as much as the need to entertain and I sit back and wonder how often I let myself break a kid's ego for the sake of my own instead of digging in, encouraging them to discover what they really wanted, finding that one thing I could love about them and holding it tightly for the year.

Jim Carrey has distanced himself from the screen for a few years now.  He has suffered broken relationships and seems to have used his hiatus to search other facets of within the depths of his soul.  One of those that has surfaced is painting.  Take a few minutes and watch the attached video.  There is a lot there.  A lot to consider as we begin this new year with new faces and new opportunities in the seats in front of us.  Comment to what you hear from it.  I want to write more specifics about it in blogs to come but before I do I would love to hear about what you see in it.

Jim Carrey: I Needed Color from JC on Vimeo.


  1. Interestingly enough, I spent the better part of the week after seeing Ace Ventura: Pet Detective impersonating Jim Carrey's over-the-top character. I eventually became annoyed at myself.


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